December 14, 2007, Newsletter Issue #85: Try a Medicine Ball for Balance Exercises

Tip of the Week

No one seems to know how medicine balls got their name, but they join the ranks of foam rollers, BOSU balance balls, and cobblestone mats as supplements to a core body conditioning workout. Medicine balls are the small balls you see lying around at the gym. They are about the size of a basketball and usually weigh from 2 to 25 pounds, so you have to work your core muscles harder when you use them, which will improve your balance. Try this to start: Stand up straight and hold a medicine ball above your head with both hands. Quickly bend your knees and swing the ball down and through your legs, so the ball almost scrapes the floor. Slow the ball down and reverse the motion, swinging the ball back up overhead as you straighten your knees and return to a standing position. Repeat 10-15 times. Do a second set of 10-15 if desired.

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