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Balance Links
Balance Tip Book
Active Sitting
Sit Pretty On A Balance Disc
Active Sitting Promotes Proper Posture
Balance Boards and Exercises
Boost Your Workout With A Balance Board
Balance Board for ACL Training
Balance Board for ACL Training
A balance board is a simple, multi-purpose tool to improve balance, range of motion and strength.
Using a Wobble Board will improve your balance and can add a new challenge to your training.
The benefits of balance board training are physical and psychological.
Balance Training
The Health Benefits of Golf
Hockey Slide Boards Train Players More Fully
Skiing: Great Calorie Burning Exercise
A Ski Exercise to Improve Agility and Quickness
A Cross Trainer Machine Adds Variety
Ski-specific exercises
Ski trainer machines
Golf Exercise Tips
What is a Bongo Board and What Can it do?
A Balance Exercise That Targets Your Abs
Keeping an Exercise Chart
Golf Training Aids Improve Your Balance on the Fairway
The Benefit of Ski Machines
What a Slide Board Can Do to Improve Balance
The Sport of Balance Boarding
Medicine Balls for Better Golf
Functional training is the science of training the body to meet the specific demands of life and sports, and differs significantly from traditional strength training.
The benefits of functional training are healthful, practical and aesthetic.
Functional training exercises engage multiple muscles and make them work together to achieve efficient movement.
Get Stronger with Balance Training
Relax With Foam Rollers
Proprioception is a critical component of balance.
Use simple tests to gauge your level of proprioception.
Get Stronger with Balance Training
Relax With Foam Rollers
Promote Core Strength With A SitSolution Ball
Balance training can both limit one's risk of injury and play a fundamental role in rehabilitation.
Poor balance can be the cause and/or the effect of various health problems.
Balance training can both limit one's risk of injury and play a fundamental role in rehabilitation.
The one-leg stand is an excellent beginning exercise.
Use a balance board or another unstable surface to further challenge the balance system.
Balance is a function of the strength and proprioceptive abilities of the musculoskeletal system.
Balance, Wobble, And Bongo Boards
Poor Balance and Health Care Problems
The Three Elements of Balance
Buying a Balance Board
The Bongo board provides even more dynamic balance training.
Bongo boards create dynamic instability: start slow and put safety first.
You can change the level of difficulty by changing your work-out conditions.
What is a Foam Roller and What Can it do for You?
Balance Board Exercises for the General Public Versus Athletes
Balance for Kids: How to Motivate Them
Improving Balance Improves Vertigo
Balance Boards Work Your Core
What a Wobble Board Can Do For You
Wobble Board Exercises For All Stages
Use a balance board, wobble board or weeble boards as a footrest at work and at home.
Tips on Exercising from the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Three Fat Burning Trends for 2006
Stability Balls Create Shapely Behinds
Breathing Correctly When You Exercise
Timing Your Repetitions During Exercise
Beginning Balance
Rehabilitating Sprained Ankles
Wobble Board For Balance
Balance Boards for Agility and Strength
The Bongo Board is Still Here
Win With Wobbly Workouts
Rehabilitating Sprained Ankles
Wobble Board For Balance
Balance Boards for Agility and Strength
Bongo boards create dynamic instability: start slow and put safety first.
The Bongo Board is Still Here
Beginning Balance
Children’s Exercise Equipment
Get Kids On The Ball (Or Board, Or Disc)
Supervise children while they are using balance boards and other equipment.
Select balance training equipment scaled to the smaller size and special needs of children.
Encourage physical activity and balance development in your children.
Core Balance Training
Cushion Your Seat And Tone Your Core
Core Stability and Strength
Core Strength Lays the Foundation For Daily Activities
Power Up Your Core With A Plank Pose
Pilates focuses on developing core strength and stability as a foundation for functional movement.
Uses for the Medicine Ball
A Stronger Core
Be familiar with the kinds of exercise that focus on balance and core stability.
Uses for the Medicine Ball
Be familiar with the kinds of exercise that focus on balance and core stability.
A Stronger Core
Core Stability and How to Achieve it
Why Core Strength is Important
Pilates focuses on developing core strength and stability as a foundation for functional movement.
Gyrotonics emphasizes controlled resistance and the development of flexibility and strength.
Iyengar Yoga strives for correct physical alignment, creating physical balance that will be reflected in the mind.
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change movement habits in everyday activities.
The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movement to enhance functional mobility.
For real core strength and stability, it is necessary to target underlying abdominal muscles.
Core Strength Exercise #1: Back extension using the Swiss Ball
Three Core Strength Exercises
Stability Ball Exercises
Resistance Bands Produce Quicker Results
Use a Medicine Ball to Target Body Parts During Workouts
Why Use a Weight Vest?
Doing 100 Abdominal Crunches is Not the Answer
Exercise Balls Can Strengthen Your Abdominals
Tips for Safe Abdominal Exercises
Core Strength Training for Triathletes
Core stability training is essential to sports performance and injury prevention.
Maintain a Balance When Strength Training
Choosing the Right Exercise Ball for Your Height
Limit Core Strengthening in the Morning
Stretch Your Hips Before Core Strength Exercise
Exercise Ball Crunches
Resistance Bands Are Extremely Versatile
Core Strength Exercise #2: Ab Roll
Core Strength Exercise #3: Balance Board “Crunch”
Combat Cubicle Slump With Ergonomic Seating
Ergonomic Seating: Take it With You
Don't Be a Slouch; Use Ergonomic Seating
Engage Your Core with Active Sitting
How to Sit on a Ball Chair
Practice Office Ergonomics by Avoiding Awkward Positions
Optimize Your Workplace Ergonomics at Your Desk
Monitor Stands Can Improve Ergonomics in the Office
Keyboard and Mouse Trays Ensure a Neutral Typing Position
Exercise Ball Chairs Promote Active Sitting
Ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker's body to fit the job.
Today's office environment can be as challenging physically as they are mentally; watch out for common pitfalls and plan to counteract them.
Use a ball as a chair.
Choose a ball chair based on height and quality.
Use other active sitting devices if an exercise ball is not the right “chair” for you.
Ergonomic Seating: Take it With You
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize; the Computer Screen
Use the Armrests on Your Ergonomic Chair to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Strain
Engage Your Core with Active Sitting
Use a wobble board as a footrest.
Don't think of your desk as a flat surface: adjust placement of reference material to be easily visible without neck or eye strain.
Set your keyboard up correctly to reduce your chance of repetitive stress injury, neck pain and chronic tension in the forearms.
Use a book stand for reading without neck strain.
Use a headset while talking on the telephone.
Try a Power Web to strengthen your hands and relieve stiffness created by repetitive motions.
Make sure your desk is adjusted to the proper height.
Adjust monitor position to avoid eye strain, neck strain and headaches.
Don't Be a Slouch; Use Ergonomic Seating
Check Your Elbow Ergonomics
Measure Your Thighs in a Good Way: Ergonomic Seating
Is Your Ergonomic Chair Too Deep?
Use the Lumbar Support to Sit Tall
Avoid Agony of the Feet: Use a Foot Stool for Ergonomic Seating
Ergonomic Tip: Get Moving
Exercise Ball Chairs Promote Active Sitting
Kneeling Ergonomic Chairs Promote Good Posture
Exercise Ball Exercises
Build A Better Back With Exercise Ball Stretches
Exercise Ball Workout Routines For Balance
Exercise Ball Bridge Promotes Total Body Balance
Fitness Balls Boost Sports Performance
Exercise Balls
Big And Small, Fitness Balls Do It All
Ball Chairs Help Posture
Get the Right Ball
Exercise Ball for Abs
Ball Exercise vs. Floor Exercise
Burn Calories by Sitting
Meet the BOSU Ball
Sports Specific Training
Ball Chairs Help Posture
Get the Right Ball
Burn Calories by Sitting
Exercise Ball for Abs
Meet the BOSU Ball
Exercise Balls Add Power to Your Push-ups
Build Strength and Balance in Your Upper Back with an Exercise Ball
Exercise Balls Build Balanced Abs
Don't Over-Inflate Your Exercise Ball
Trim Triceps With Use of an Exercise Ball
What's in a Name?
Exercise Balls Need Periodic Re-inflation
Choose an Exercise Ball Size Based on Your Height
Balance Balls Can Help With Injury Recovery
Stretch Safely and Simply With an Exercise Ball
Sports Specific Training
Exercise Balls Need Periodic Re-inflation
Choose an Exercise Ball Size Based on Your Height
Balance Balls Can Help With Injury Recovery
Ball Exercise vs. Floor Exercise
Too Small Ball Can Cause Hyperextension of the Spine
Dress Well During Workouts
Exercise Balls Can Relieve Back Pain
Exercise Ball are Fun For Kids
Fitness Ball Exercises Firm Your Thighs
Fitness Ball Exercises Firm Your Glutes
Stretch Safely and Simply With an Exercise Ball
Athletes Take Note: Exercise balls Can Help Loosen Tight Hips
Exercises You Can Do At Home
Have A Ball Exercising At Home
Power Up Pilates Exercises With Fitness Balls
Fitness Training
Mix Up Your Ab Routine With A Ball Pass Crunch
Getting Started With an Exercise Ball
Ball-Wall Squat
Make Yourself Heavier with a Weight Vest
Skate on a Slide Board
Effective Cross Training
Better Golf for Back Pain Sufferers
Use Charts to Guide Your Exercises
Getting Started With an Exercise Ball
Better Golf for Back Pain Sufferers
Use Charts to Guide Your Exercises
History of the BOSU Ball
Cobblestone Mats Help with Balance and Reduce Blood Pressure
Foam Rollers Provide Useful Support in Balance Exercises
Try a Medicine Ball for Balance Exercises
Make Yourself Heavier with a Weight Vest
Skate on a Slide Board
How Yoga Improves Balance
Pilates Offers Unique Balance and Fitness Challenges
Proprioception exercises can be easy or difficult, depending on your needs and fitness level.
Effective Cross Training
Ball-Wall Squat
A Strong Core Means Better Balance
Improve Balance by Strengthening the Pelvic Muscles
Yoga Focuses on Flexibility to Improve Balance
Pilates Offers Unique Balance and Fitness Challenges
BOSU Balls Enhance Cardio Workouts
Focus on Alignment During BOSU Ball Workouts
Double Crunches: For Advanced Abs
Flying Superman Stretch Strengthens Lower Back
History of the BOSU Ball
BOSU Ball Workouts Help Correct Muscle Imbalances
Cobblestone Mats Help with Balance and Reduce Blood Pressure
Foam Rollers Provide Useful Support in Balance Exercises
Know the "Core Four" Abdominal Muscles that Keep You Standing Tall
Target the Often Neglected Oblique Muscles
Try a Medicine Ball for Balance Exercises
Don't Forget the Cardio
Stretching: Another Leg of the Fitness Stool
Functional Training
Fitness Balls Promote Form And Function
Home Gym Exercise Guide
Have A Ball In Your Home Gym
Injury Prevention and Conditioning
Exercise Balls Add A New Dimension To Injury Prevention
Swimmer's Shoulder Pain
Benefits of Foot Massage
Swimmer's Shoulder Pain
Physical therapy focuses on rehabilitative and functional training.
Developing speed and agility can help you avoid injury in contact sports.
Build your functional and specific strength to equal or exceed the demands of your chosen sport or activity.
Balance training can help reduce your risk of ACL injuries.
Benefits of Foot Massage
Proprioception exercises should begin early in the rehabilitation process.
Build balance, ankle flexibility and strength to prevent ankle sprains.
Incorporate balance training into your fitness routine to prevent falls and fall-related injuries.
Prevent injuries by getting enough rest and proper nutrition.
Only participate in exercise that you can comfortably tolerate.
Injury Rehabilitation
Bounce Back From Injury With Therapy Balls
Low Impact Exercises
Balance Balls Aid In Low-Impact Exercise
Cross-country skiing integrates core strength and muscular development.
Low impact exercises will help you build strength, stability and balance without compromising your lower joints.
Strength and balance training will protect your knees from injury.
Walking is a one of the most basic activities most people perform, and walking correctly can improve and safeguard your over-all health.
Aqua-fitness classes, or water aerobic, provide cardiovascular conditioning and whole-body muscle toning.
Other pieces of gym equipment combine core strength, balance and low-impact cardiovascular exercise.
Swimming is a total-body activity that provides a great cardiovascular workout and depends on flexibility and balance.
Cycling is a great, low-impact calorie-burning workout that leverages balance and core strength.
Skating and rollerblading trains your balance and core, builds lower body strength and builds your cardiovascular fitness.
Rowing – on the water or on an erg machine – is a whole-body workout that originates in your core.
Pregnancy Exercises
Pilates for Pregnancy: Back Strength
Avoid or modify Pilates exercises if you experience a diastasis (abdominal separation) during pregnancy.
Try basic Pilates exercises as part of your fitness program during pregnancy.
Pilates for Pregnancy: the Saw
Pilates for Pregnancy: Modified Leg Front Pull
Pilates for Pregnancy: Spine Twist
Pilates for Pregnancy: Side Kick
Exercise balls can help in postpartum recovery and soothing infants.
For the safest workout, start with exercises geared toward pregnant women, and keep in mind some safety tips.
Try using an exercise as a “birthing ball” to ease the pressures and discomforts of labor.
Pilates can be an excellent fitness regimen during pregnancy, and can prepare you for labor and postpartum recovery.
Make Labor More Comfortable With A Birthing Ball
Exercise Balls Enhance A Fit Pregnancy
Proprioception and Balance
Fitness Balls Promote Proprioception
Why Pay Attention To Proprioception
Senior Exercises
Get Seniors On The Ball For Strength And Flexibility
Aging often brings a decline in balance and more fragile bones, leading to potentially debilitating or even fatal falls.
Remember that you will reap the most benefits from exercise done in moderation.
Stroke patients have special challenges, and balance training can be an important part of rehabilitation.
Know your fall risks, and work with your doctor to mitigate them.
To further reduce the risk of falls, make your living areas safer.
Exercise can help prevent bone loss, even in people already suffering from osteoporosis.
Exercise and functional training can help reduce the risk of serious injury and fracture in case of a fall.
Consult a professional and choose an exercise program that suits your needs and goals.
Exercises generally recommended for people with osteoporosis.
Exercises that people with severe osteoporosis should generally avoid.
Regular exercise will provide the greatest degree of benefit for seniors.
Seniors should try basic balance exercises to begin building their defenses against dangerous falls.
Senior Balance Exercise 1: Walk Heel-to-Toe
Senior Balance Exercise 1: Chair Work
Senior Balance Exercise 1: Single Leg Stand
Ski Balance Training
Balance is a key area on which skiers must focus for complete training.
Increasing flexibility through stretching, yoga and functional training will keep you limber.
Balance and coordination are the cornerstones to good alpine skiing.
Strength training builds athleticism and helps to prevent injury.
Balance training can build the lateral stability that is important to controlling speed while skiing.
Endurance may be based on aerobic fitness, but aerobic fitness is built on a strong core.
Ski Fitness Training Helps You Conquer The Slopes
The Latest Ski Machine
The Latest Ski Machine
Stability Ball For Balance
Stability Balls Offer Cardio Boost
Swiss Balls
Don't Miss The Swiss (Ball) For Total Body Conditioning
Why Is It Swiss?
Why Is It Swiss?
Perform free weight exercises on a Swiss ball for a more challenging, deeper work-out.
Sitting on an Exercise Ball
Swiss balls are great tools for physical therapy, exercise and everyday activities.
Perform free weight exercises on a Swiss ball for a more challenging, deeper work-out.
Sitting on an Exercise Ball
Balance Newsletter Archive
Exercises generally recommended for people with osteoporosis.
Use a ball as a chair.
Benefits of Foot Massage
Relax With Foam Rollers
Beginning Balance
Balance Board for ACL Training
Swimmer's Shoulder Pain
Meet the BOSU Ball
Rehabilitating Sprained Ankles
Effective Cross Training
Balance Balls Can Help With Injury Recovery
Stretch Safely and Simply With an Exercise Ball
Cross-country skiing integrates core strength and muscular development.
Developing speed and agility can help you avoid injury in contact sports.
Balance Balls Can Help With Injury Recovery
Choose an Exercise Ball Size Based on Your Height
Exercise Balls Need Periodic Re-inflation
What's in a Name?
Trim Triceps With Use of an Exercise Ball
Exercise Balls Build Balanced Abs
Build Strength and Balance in Your Upper Back with an Exercise Ball
Exercise Balls Add Power to Your Push-ups
Stretching: Another Leg of the Fitness Stool
Don't Forget the Cardio
Target the Often Neglected Oblique Muscles
Know the "Core Four" Abdominal Muscles that Keep You Standing Tall
BOSU Ball Workouts Help Correct Muscle Imbalances
Flying Superman Stretch Strengthens Lower Back
The one-leg stand is an excellent beginning exercise.
Poor balance can be the cause and/or the effect of various health problems.
Endurance may be based on aerobic fitness, but aerobic fitness is built on a strong core.
Balance is a key area on which skiers must focus for complete training.
You can change the level of difficulty by changing your work-out conditions.
To further reduce the risk of falls, make your living areas safer.
Know your fall risks, and work with your doctor to mitigate them.
Remember that you will reap the most benefits from exercise done in moderation.
The Sport of Balance Boarding
Improving Balance Improves Vertigo
Balance for Kids: How to Motivate Them
What is a Foam Roller and What Can it do for You?
Resistance Bands Are Extremely Versatile
Exercise Ball Crunches
Stretch Your Hips Before Core Strength Exercise
Limit Core Strengthening in the Morning
Choosing the Right Exercise Ball for Your Height
Maintain a Balance When Strength Training
Golf Training Aids Improve Your Balance on the Fairway
A Balance Exercise That Targets Your Abs
The Three Elements of Balance
Poor Balance and Health Care Problems
Pilates for Pregnancy: Side Kick
Pilates for Pregnancy: Modified Leg Front Pull
Pilates for Pregnancy: the Saw
Try basic Pilates exercises as part of your fitness program during pregnancy.
Pilates for Pregnancy: Back Strength
Other pieces of gym equipment combine core strength, balance and low-impact cardiovascular exercise.
Balance Board for ACL Training
Senior Balance Exercise 1: Walk Heel-to-Toe
Seniors should try basic balance exercises to begin building their defenses against dangerous falls.
Exercises that people with severe osteoporosis should generally avoid.
Exercise can help prevent bone loss, even in people already suffering from osteoporosis.
Supervise children while they are using balance boards and other equipment.
The benefits of balance board training are physical and psychological.
Only participate in exercise that you can comfortably tolerate.
Use a headset while talking on the telephone.
Use a book stand for reading without neck strain.
Core Strength Training for Triathletes
Tips for Safe Abdominal Exercises
Exercise Balls Can Strengthen Your Abdominals
Doing 100 Abdominal Crunches is Not the Answer
Use a Medicine Ball to Target Body Parts During Workouts
Resistance Bands Produce Quicker Results
Three Core Strength Exercises
Why Core Strength is Important
Core Stability and How to Achieve it
The Health Benefits of Golf
Timing Your Repetitions During Exercise
Breathing Correctly When You Exercise
Stability Balls Create Shapely Behinds
Three Fat Burning Trends for 2006
Tips on Exercising from the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Strength and balance training will protect your knees from injury.
Build balance, ankle flexibility and strength to prevent ankle sprains.
Golf Exercise Tips
Ski-specific exercises
A Ski Exercise to Improve Agility and Quickness
Skiing: Great Calorie Burning Exercise
Hockey Slide Boards Train Players More Fully
Double Crunches: For Advanced Abs
Focus on Alignment During BOSU Ball Workouts
BOSU Balls Enhance Cardio Workouts
Yoga Focuses on Flexibility to Improve Balance
Improve Balance by Strengthening the Pelvic Muscles
A Strong Core Means Better Balance
Athletes Take Note: Exercise balls Can Help Loosen Tight Hips
Fitness Ball Exercises Firm Your Glutes
Fitness Ball Exercises Firm Your Thighs
Exercise Ball are Fun For Kids
Exercise Balls Can Relieve Back Pain
Dress Well During Workouts
Too Small Ball Can Cause Hyperextension of the Spine
A balance board is a simple, multi-purpose tool to improve balance, range of motion and strength.
Bongo boards create dynamic instability: start slow and put safety first.
The Bongo board provides even more dynamic balance training.
Encourage physical activity and balance development in your children.
Adjust monitor position to avoid eye strain, neck strain and headaches.
Choose a ball chair based on height and quality.
Try a Power Web to strengthen your hands and relieve stiffness created by repetitive motions.
Balance training can help reduce your risk of ACL injuries.
Prevent injuries by getting enough rest and proper nutrition.
Incorporate balance training into your fitness routine to prevent falls and fall-related injuries.
Cycling is a great, low-impact calorie-burning workout that leverages balance and core strength.
Try using an exercise as a “birthing ball” to ease the pressures and discomforts of labor.
Consult a professional and choose an exercise program that suits your needs and goals.
Regular exercise will provide the greatest degree of benefit for seniors.
Increasing flexibility through stretching, yoga and functional training will keep you limber.
Strength training builds athleticism and helps to prevent injury.
Perform free weight exercises on a Swiss ball for a more challenging, deeper work-out.
Balance Boards Work Your Core
What a Wobble Board Can Do For You
What is a Bongo Board and What Can it do?
Foam Rollers Provide Useful Support in Balance Exercises
Don't Over-Inflate Your Exercise Ball
History of the BOSU Ball
Ski trainer machines
Stability Ball Exercises
Why Use a Weight Vest?
The Benefit of Ski Machines
What a Slide Board Can Do to Improve Balance
Pilates Offers Unique Balance and Fitness Challenges
Medicine Balls for Better Golf
Try a Medicine Ball for Balance Exercises
Cobblestone Mats Help with Balance and Reduce Blood Pressure
Use other active sitting devices if an exercise ball is not the right “chair” for you.
Sitting on an Exercise Ball
Balance Board Exercises for the General Public Versus Athletes
Buying a Balance Board
Balance Boards for Agility and Strength
Ball Chairs Help Posture
Ball Exercise vs. Floor Exercise
Ball-Wall Squat
Beginning Balance
Effective Cross Training
Get Stronger with Balance Training
Exercise Ball for Abs
Get the Right Ball
Getting Started With an Exercise Ball
Make Yourself Heavier with a Weight Vest
How Yoga Improves Balance
Rehabilitating Sprained Ankles
Skate on a Slide Board
Sports Specific Training
Swimmer's Shoulder Pain
The Latest Ski Machine
The Bongo Board is Still Here
Why Is It Swiss?
Wobble Board For Balance
Uses for the Medicine Ball
Wobble Board Exercises For All Stages
A Cross Trainer Machine Adds Variety
Keeping an Exercise Chart
Meet the BOSU Ball
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change movement habits in everyday activities.
A Stronger Core
Core Strength Exercise #2: Ab Roll
Core Strength Exercise #3: Balance Board “Crunch”
Core Strength Exercise #1: Back extension using the Swiss Ball
Gyrotonics emphasizes controlled resistance and the development of flexibility and strength.
The Feldenkrais Method uses gentle movement to enhance functional mobility.
Avoid Agony of the Feet: Use a Foot Stool for Ergonomic Seating
Check Your Elbow Ergonomics
Don't Be a Slouch; Use Ergonomic Seating
Engage Your Core with Active Sitting
Exercise Ball Chairs Promote Active Sitting
Ergonomic Seating: Take it With You
How to Sit on a Ball Chair
Use the Lumbar Support to Sit Tall
Ergonomic Tip: Get Moving
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize; the Computer Screen
Keyboard and Mouse Trays Ensure a Neutral Typing Position
Kneeling Ergonomic Chairs Promote Good Posture
Is Your Ergonomic Chair Too Deep?
Measure Your Thighs in a Good Way: Ergonomic Seating
Optimize Your Workplace Ergonomics at Your Desk
Use the Armrests on Your Ergonomic Chair to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Strain
Practice Office Ergonomics by Avoiding Awkward Positions
Monitor Stands Can Improve Ergonomics in the Office
Use a balance board, wobble board or weeble boards as a footrest at work and at home.
Benefits of Foot Massage
Proprioception exercises can be easy or difficult, depending on your needs and fitness level.
Proprioception exercises should begin early in the rehabilitation process.
Proprioception is a critical component of balance.
Pilates for Pregnancy: Spine Twist
Relax With Foam Rollers
Balance training can both limit one’s risk of injury and play a fundamental role in rehabilitation.
Using a Wobble Board will improve your balance and can add a new challenge to your training.
Select balance training equipment scaled to the smaller size and special needs of children.
Be familiar with the kinds of exercise that focus on balance and core stability.
Pilates focuses on developing core strength and stability as a foundation for functional movement.
Make sure your desk is adjusted to the proper height.
The benefits of functional training are healthful, practical and aesthetic.
Physical therapy focuses on rehabilitative and functional training.
Balance is a function of the strength and proprioceptive abilities of the musculoskeletal system.
Use a balance board or another unstable surface to further challenge the balance system.
For real core strength and stability, it is necessary to target underlying abdominal muscles.
Use a wobble board as a footrest.
Use simple tests to gauge your level of proprioception.
Swiss balls are great tools for physical therapy, exercise and everyday activities.
Balance and coordination are the cornerstones to good alpine skiing.
Rowing – on the water or on an erg machine – is a whole-body workout that originates in your core.
Core stability training is essential to sports performance and injury prevention.
Exercise balls can help in postpartum recovery and soothing infants.
Exercises generally recommended for people with osteoporosis.
Use a ball as a chair.
Balance Frequently Asked Questions
What is balance?
How can poor balance effect my health?
What is balance training?
What is a one leg stand exercise?
How can I use a balance board?
What is core stability?
What exercises can help me with balance and core stability?
How can pilates help with core strength?
What is gyrotonics?
What is iyengar yoga?
What is the alexander technique?
What is the feldenkrais method?
How do abdominal muscles effect core strength?
What are some good core strength exercises using a swiss ball?
What is an ab roll?
How can I use a balance board to increase core stability?
What is a balance board?
What is a wobble board?
What are the benefits of a balance board?
What is a swiss ball?
How can I exercise with a swiss ball?
Why should I sit on a swiss ball when at home or at work?
What is proprioception?
How can I test my own proprioception?
When should I begin proprioception exercises?
How hard are proprioception exercises?
What is functional training?
What are the benefits of functional training?
What can functional exercise do for me?
What is a bongo board?
How do I use a bongo board?
How can I change the level of difficulty when using a bongo board?
How does balance effect ski training?
How can I increase my flexibility in ski training?
Why are balance and coordination important in skiing training?
How can strength training help my skiing training?
How can I improve my lateral stability with ski training exercises?
How are aerobic fitness and balance tied together?
How can low impact exercise help me?
Why does low impact exercise protect me from injury?
What are some good low impact exercises?
Why is swimming a good low-impact exercise?
How is swimming related balance?
Is cycling a good low impact exercise?
How can skating and roller blading help my core strength?
Is rowing a good low impact exercise?
Is cross country skiing a good low impact workout?
What are some types of low impact exercise equipment?
What are some physical therapy exercises?
What is ergonomics?
How can I improve workplace ergonomics?
Can I use a balance ball office chair?
How do I choose a balance ball office chair?
How can I sit actively without using a balance ball?
How can I use a wobble board in the office?
What is a power web and how can I use it to increase hand strength?
At what height should my desk be for optimal workplace ergonomics?
At what height should my moniter be for office ergonomics?
How should I arrange my desk to make it more ergonomic?
How should I set up my keyboard for correct computer ergonomics?
Why should I use a book stand for improved ergonomics?
Should I use a headset to improve workplace ergonomics?
Should I use a footrest at my desk?
What exercises can I do to aid in injury prevention?
What exercises should I do and how should I do them for preventative health care?
I want to do something to improve my sports injury prevention, how can I do that?
How does building functional strength help in back injury prevention?
How can balance training help prevent ACL injuries?
How can I use preventative maintenance to avoid ankle injury?
Will incorporating balance training help with preventative health care?
How can balance help child physical development?
Can children use balance boards as child exercise equipment?
How do I select balance equipment for my child?
How can balance training and senior exercise help strengthen bones?
How can elderly exercise prevent bone loss?
What are some good exercise programs for the elderly that will help reduce risk of injury?
Should I check with my doctor before doing senior exercise?
What are elderly exercises recommended for people with osteoperosis?
What senior exercises should people with osteoperosis avoid?
How can regular exercise help seniors?
How can balance exercises help the elderly?
What are some simple senior balance exercises?
What is a good simple senior exercise?
What are some good elderly exercises?
How will I gain the most benefit from elderly exercise?
How can stroke patients use exercise in rehabilitation?
How can exercise programs for the elderly reduce the risks of falling?
Is Pilates a good pregnancy exercise?
Is basic pilates good for core strength in pregnant women?
What is the Saw in pilates?
How can I do a front leg pull if I'm pregnant?
What is a good pregnancy exercise?
How can I do a side kick in pilates when pregnant?
How can I improve my back strength with exercise during pregnancy?
What pregnancy exercises should I avoid?
What are some safe pregnancy exercises?
What is a birth ball?
How can I use an exercise ball during pregnancy?
What does a balance board do for you?
What can a wobble board do for you?
How can I challenge myself on a wobble board?
What ailments are associated with balance problems?
What is a roam roller and what can it do for you?
If I'm an athlete, do I train differently on a balance board?
How can I engage my child in physical activity?
Can improving my balance improve my vertigo symptoms?
What does the government advise about exercising and balance?
What are some fat-burning workout trends for this year?
How do celebrities get such fabulous glutes?
How often should I inhale and exhale when exercising?
How can I stay more focused on my repetitions and not quit early?
What keeps us balanced?
What kind of balance boards are there out there?
What is a Bongo board and what does it do?
How can I work my abs along with my balance?
How can I create my own exercise chart?
How can I achieve better balance on the golf course?
What does a ski machine do?
How does a slide board work?
Is balance boarding a sport?
How can a medicine ball improve my golf game?
Does a hockey player need more than strength training?
How many calories can I burn by cross country skiing?
What can I do to improve my agility and quickness when skiing?
Why would I use an elliptical cross trainer machine?
What exercises can I do to optimize my skiing?
Is there a machine that can help me ski better?
What are some golf workout tips I can use?
Does golf really give you a decent workout?
What is core stability?
Why is core strength important?
What can I do to improve my core strength?
How can a stability ball help me tone those love handles?
What is the benefit of using resistance bands in my workout?
How can a medicine ball improve my workout?
What can a weight vest do for me?
Will doing 100 crunches a night help my abs?
Why should I use an exercise ball for my abs?
What should I know before starting an ab workout?
How should I train my core strength as a triathlete?
What's the best way to target muscles when strength training?
What is the right exercise ball for my height?
When is the best time of day to do core strength exercises?
What should I stretch before core strength exercises?
Is it safe to use an exercise ball to work my abs?
What are some new ways to use resistance bands?
How do I use an exercise ball for upper-body conditioning?
How can an exercise ball help my abs?
What is the correct inflation for a fitness ball?
Can sitting on an exercise ball enhance my triceps exercise?
Are Swiss balls different from other fitness balls or exercise balls?
Will exercise balls go flat over time?
What size exercise ball should I buy?
Can you use a balance ball if you are injured?
Can you hurt yourself while using an exercise ball?
What should I wear during a Swiss ball workout?
Can an exercise ball help my low back pain?
Can kids use exercise balls?
Does the ball help hips and thighs?
Do fitness ball exercises do anything for my behind (gluteal muscles)?
How do I use a balance ball for stretching?
Can an exercise ball help my tight hips?
What does core fitness mean?
How can I build stability in my pelvic muscles?
How can I strengthen my lower back?
What is a BOSU ball and how does it improve balance?
Can a BOSU ball help with muscle imbalances?
How can a cobblestone mat help my balance?
How are foam rollers used in Pilates?
What muscles make up the abdomen?
How can I strenghen my obliques?
Can a medicine ball help with balance?
What cardio workouts engage the core muscles?
Why is stretching important to fitness?
How is yoga different from core conditioning?
How does Pilates differ from yoga?
What are some simple BOSU ball exercises?
What is the right way to stand on a BOSU ball?
How can I make sit-ups more challenging?
Can an ergonomic chair prevent back pain?
How should I position my arms for ergonomic seating?
How do I know whether my ergonomic chair is adjusted correctly?
Am I sitting too far back in my ergonomic chair?
Why do I need lumbar support?
How can I relieve neck pain when I’m sitting at my desk?
Can adjusting the armrests on an ergonomic chair make me more comfortable?
Does sitting on an exercise ball do me any good, even if I’m not doing exercises?
How do I sit on a ball chair?
How can I have better office ergonomics?
How can I make my desk more ergonomic?
How can monitor stands help with workplace ergonomics?
Do I need a keyboard/mouse tray?
What should I do if my feet don’t reach the floor at my desk?
How long is too long to sit in a chair?
What are the benefits of an exercise ball chair?
How does a kneeling chair help posture?
What is cross training?
What is a good way to rehab an ankle sprain?
How do you use a wobble board?
What's the best way to work on balance and agility?
What is a BOSU Ball?
Do people still use the Bongo Board?
Is extra movement required to sit on a ball?
What should I sit on when I'm away from home?
How can I correct my seated posture?
How should I choose a fitness ball for strength training?
What can I do for shoulder pain from swimming?
How are foam rollers used?
What should I use a medicine ball for?
Who uses weight vests, and why?
Which sports are associated with slide board training?
How does yoga affect balance?
What is a good machine to use on ski slopes?
Is foot massage effective for anything?
How can I overcome back pain and play golf?
How do you build core strength?
What do they call it a Swiss ball?
How can I remember how to do exercises right?
How do I do ab exercises on an exercise ball?
Are there any lower body exercises I can do with a ball?
Are fitness ball exercises better than floor exercises?
Can you use an exercise ball as a chair?
Does balance training prevent ankle and knee injuries?
Does balance training make you strong?
What equipment is good for balance exercises?
Do athletes use the BOSU Ball?
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