Balance training can build the lateral stability that is important to controlling speed while skiing.

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How can I improve my lateral stability with ski training exercises?

Balance training can build the lateral stability that is important to controlling speed while skiing.

Having “quick feet” and good control over your lower body movements is how you prevent your skis from taking you for a ride. Lateral movements are an important control mechanism during skiing (as well as other sports, such as soccer and basketball), and many injuries occur during lateral movements. Therefore, it is important to build lower body stability and flexibility to ski effectively and safely. You can build this stability through balance training; using a Bongo board is a great way to develop lateral range of motion and coordination. Another excellent ski training tool is the pro fitter trainer which simulates the motion of skiing. Quick lateral movements can be ingrained by placing a pillow on the floor and hoping sideways from foot to foot while maintaining a balanced upper body. Other training regimens to develop lateral stability include lateral hops and obstacle courses that incorporate changes of direction.



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