Endurance may be based on aerobic fitness, but aerobic fitness is built on a strong core.

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How are aerobic fitness and balance tied together?

Endurance may be based on aerobic fitness, but aerobic fitness is built on a strong core.

Endurance is a combination of both your cardiovascular fitness and your body's ability to withstand the musculoskeletal rigors of an activity. As such, a solid base of aerobic fitness is essential to alpine skiing. Varying the intensity of your workouts through interval training has been proven in many studies to provide the best results. To develop cardiovascular endurance, be sure to do an aerobic activity for 40 to 60 minutes regularly – at least three times a week. Good choices for building endurance include swimming, mountain biking, inline skating, running, hiking, basketball, soccer and tennis. Note that performing each of these sports requires balance and coordination, a strong core, and flexibility. Therefore, balance training is an integral part of developing the kind of aerobic fitness you will need to build real endurance.



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