Set your keyboard up correctly to reduce your chance of repetitive stress injury, neck pain and chronic tension in the forearms.

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How should I set up my keyboard for correct computer ergonomics?

Set your keyboard up correctly to reduce your chance of repetitive stress injury, neck pain and chronic tension in the forearms.

Repetitive use injuries, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, have become the scourge of office workers, students and others who spend hours working on a keyboard or laptop. If the wrist rests on the desk or the edge of the keyboard, pain may result. If the wrist is over-extended or over-flexed, there will be increased strain on the muscles, tendons and joints of the wrists. To prevent such strain, it is vital to maintain an adequate wrist position whenever you are working at a keyboard. A neutral wrist position is ideal, and that means maintaining a straight line from your forearm through your wrist and into your hand; let your fingers do the work! To help you maintain the correct position and protect your wrists, try a cushioned wrist support at the base of the keyboard. If you have shorter fingers, you may find it more comfortable to elevate the back of the keyboard while typing. If your fingers are long, try elevating the front of the keyboard while typing.



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